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Jill Williams

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Jill Williams

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A Hampton Roads native, and a Tabb High graduate, I love the our beaches, Virginia & NC state parks, and area festivals.  In addition to matching buyers & sellers with beautiful homes, I also teach yoga and enjoy running loca races and volunteering & participating in charity events.

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724 Thimble Shoals Blvd Suite A
Newport News, VA 23606

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I love living in southeast VA!  Although I was born and raised in Hampton Roads, I've lived in 7 other states and have owned homes in the Los Angeles area, Twin Cities MN, and rural Mississippi.  Home matters. I'd love to help you find your happy place.

A Hampton Roads native, and a Tabb High graduate, I love our beaches, Virginia & NC state parks, and area festivals.  In addition to matching buyers & sellers with beautiful homes, I also teach yoga and enjoy running local races and volunteering & participating in charity events.

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Williamsburg Virginia Kingsmill Resort
is a destination brewery and venue on the waterfront of the James City County Marina in the heart of Jamestown & Williamsburg, Virginia.